About us and contacts
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EP Chvaletice, s.r.o.
K Elektrárně 226
533 12 Chvaletice
Czech Republic

+420 466 736 419 +420 724 279 030 [email protected]

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How to find us?

GPS coordinates: 50°1'52.089"N, 15°26'38.773"E

About us and contacts

EP Chvaletice, s.r.o.
K Elektrárně 226, PO BOX 24, 533 12 Chvaletice
Czech Republic

Bank account: Komerční banka, a.s. Pardubice.
IBAN: CZ3501000001074968670207

phone: +420 466 736 419
e-mail: [email protected]

EP Chvaletice s.r.o. is a mid-sized company with long tradition in engineering production. The company domicile is in Pardubice region - 2 km east of Chvaletice on routing Kolín - Přelouč - Pardubice. The company is currently focused on technical processing and manufacturing of operational complex structures for power industry and heating industry, production of parts for handling machines and building industries, production of scrap conveyors, main frames for various types of machines and steel construction for building and technological equipment.

In field of power industry, EP Chvaletice s.r.o. providing production of bulk conveyer chains, spare parts or milling wheels including it’s renovations. Indivisible part of company activities is engineering job-order production based on customer’s documentation.

The production quality, from technical preparation to final surface treatment is ensured through using up to date technologi and long time experience of company workers.

EP Chvaletice is situated in suitable place with regards to transport possibilities as is road or railway. We are on the road Kolín – Pardubice with D11 highway and Praha-Pardubice railway line in close.

The company is certified according to EN 1090-2 EXC 3 standard.